Sunday, March 1, 1998

Kurt Kren Reaches 50

Marathon Screening and Potluck

San Francisco Art Institute

Potluck at intermission, BRING FOOD!, drinks provided.

Austrian filmmaker Kurt Kren is one of the most influential pioneers of structuralist cinema, crafting films on the basis of the formal structures of sound and image. His work stretches across many fields–from the mathematics of scoring films with numbers and charts, to the grimy documentation of Otto Muehl and Gunter Brus’ “Materialaktions” and the reflexive observation of nature and the world around him. This massive one night retrospective of Kren’s work includes all of his 50 films–from 1/57: Versuch mit Synthetischem Ton to his newest and fiftieth 50/96: Snapspots (for Bruce), as well as TAUSENDJAHREKINO, Mama und Papa, Asyl and TV.