Saturday, March 6, 2010

Le cinema, l’apesanteur (Cinemas, Heaviness): Cinéma Abattoir

Artists' Television Access

presented in association with Other Cinema
curated & presented by Pierre-Luc Vaillancourt of Cinéma Abattoir
[members: $5 / non-members: $10]

Toward the Abîme-Cinéma, Le cinema, l’apesanteur (Cinemas, Heaviness) exposes the latent image, the one situated inside the anticipated and menacing Spiral itself. Satanism, Nature, Love and Mysticism are all motoring against the opacity of the clear-image (Death). The perforations and fragmentation never become Symbol, and never were. Instead, if looking long enough without ever blinking, its essence (neither visibility nor transparency, but Light) is, and always was, emanating. It is in this breathing space (the Spiral) that the Light merges, not in the film, but maybe in-between the frames? (Look into my eyes! that each films whisper, Look into my eyes!). Films to screen include works by Francois Miron, Jean-Claude Labrecque, Alexandre Larose, Pierre-Luc Vaillancourt, Serge de Cotret, Solomon Nagler, Karl Lemieux and Étienne O’Leary. (PIERRE-LUC VAILLANCOURT)

Daïchi Saïto: All That Rises (2007) 7 min.
Jean-Claude Labrecque: Essai à la mille (1970), 7 min.
Alexandre Larose: Brouillard (2009), 3 min.
Pierre-Luc Vaillancourt: Neuf Oeufs Noirs (2008-2010), ? min.
Serge de Cotret: Sacré-coeur de Satan (2008), 10 min.
Solomon Nagler: The Sex of Self-Hatred (2004), 9 min.
Karl Lemieux: Mouvement de Lumière (2004), 8 min.
Étienne O’Leary: Chromo Sud (1968), 21 min.