Join SF Cinematheque staff for a kick-off screening/party inaugurating our seventh season of continuous programming at Yerba Buena Gardens Center for the Arts, featuring an exciting array of new non-narrative (i.e. not based on traditional story-telling) film, video, digital projection and performance by mostly local artists. Confirmed titles as of press time include Three Interludes for hand-cranked 35mm projection by silt; An Alchemical Christmas Carol by the Scratch Film Junkies, produced by Thad Povey; interval Oakland 99 by Steve Polta; Focal Length, a film performance by Luis Recoder; Homecomings by Irina Leimbacher; Off the Track by Lynn Kirby; Une fois habitée (Once Inhabited) by Sandra Davis; and others to be announced.
Thursday, October 5, 2000
Center for the Arts Season Opener
New Film & Video by Local Makers and Long-Time Friends
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts