Sunday, October 29, 1995

Terminal USA


San Francisco Art Institute

Finally! After two years of near-limbo, Cinematheque is proud to present Jon Moritsugu’s most demented effort Terminal USA. Produced for the Independent Television Service, Terminal USA has only been available in a “self-censored” made for television version. A relentlessly anarchic fever dream of the “model” minority family, the film examines problems facing our troubled teens today: pregnancy tests, blow jobs, IV drug use, skinheads, and, of course, gunshot wounds. With its reckless comedic violence, hilariously strange anti-acting, and somersaulting blood-spattered cheerleaders, Terminal USA is a brilliant satire of the dysfunctional family, presented in its completely uncensored version. Moritsugu will also screen early works, including the devastating punk rock put-down Der Elvis, and more. (Joel Shepard)