series curated by Chris Stults, Film/Video Curator at the Wexner Center for the Arts and presented in association with the San Francisco Center for the Book and the Prelinger Library
David Gatten In Person
[members: $5 / non-members: $10]
Order advance tickets here
This program features three pairs of films from David Gatten‘s other ongoing non-Secret History series. The Continuous Quantities series is structured on a Leonardo Da Vinci proposition to divide an hour into 3000 equal parts. The series offers the most kinetic exploration yet of Gatten’s inquiries into the relationship between text and image. The Invisible Ink series, as the title implies, employs the most minimal imagery to be found Gatten’s films, but this minimalism belies the powerfully emotional content underpinning the works. (Chris Stults, Wexner Center for the Arts) Program to include: Film for Invisible Ink, Case No. 71: Base-Plus-Fog; What the Water Said, Nos. 1–3; Journal and Remarks; Shrimp Boat Log; What the Water Said, Nos. 4–6 and Film for Invisible Ink, Case No. 142: Abbreviation for Dead Winter [Diminished by 1,794].