Sunday, May 8, 1994

A Palimpsest of Dreams

Films by Phil Solomon & Stan Brakhage

San Francisco Art Institute

Using found footage and original material optically treated in mysterious ways, Phil Solomon’s films open portals to fragile worlds of unspeakably beautiful radiance. “Solomon’s work … eludes language, as if the films … were a palimpsest of obscured meaning.” (M. Dargis) His first San Francisco show in four years features the West Coast premieres of several new works, including Elemental Phrases (1994), a painstakingly hand-painted and elaborately step-printed 40-minute film made in collaboration with Stan Brakhage; Clepsydra (1992), a lyric envisionment of the film strip as a sprocketed waterfall; and a newly revised version of The Summit (1987-93) which address Charles Ives’ Unanswered Question: Whither the Twentieth Century?