Sunday, November 16, 2003

A Prank Without a Theory is Merely a Hoax: An Eric Saks Retrospective

Program 1: Viral Culture

California College of the Arts

Saks will give a live lecture-demonstration on various manifestations of viral Internet culture and discuss Tobacco Geezers, his series of anti-smoking Internet and broadcast public service announcements (PSAs) aimed at youth audiences to learn about the evils of genetically modified smokes being developed by Big Tobacco. Saks will sample and culture viral- and meme-infofectious agents including SARS Games, Supergreg, eGray, Punch a Spice Girl, All Your Base, Hamster Dance and ViralFactory. He also will present SARS Bikes, a new series of Internet video spots about custom-made electric bicycles, distributed by the video collective Animal Charm. (Konrad Steiner)