Claire Bain and Al Hernandez have performed in their own and in each others’ work for over a decade, simultaneously constructing and deconstructing various personae for the camera. Taking the subject/object politics of photographic representation into their own hands, their multiple characters play to the camera or to each other. Sometimes studied, sometimes ad-libbed, they often inhabit the slippery spaces between self-mockery, playfulness and serious social commentary. Tonight’s program features both recent and older work: Bain’s True Nature (2003), their collaborative double-channel video New Year’s Resolution (1999-2000-remember Y2K?), Hernandez’ lyrical Super-8 Jump Fence (2002 condensed version) and his new exploration of identity as performance My Name is Alejandro! (2003). We’ll conclude with a short performance by Bain as her video alter ego Jennifer. (Irina Leimbacher)

Sunday, March 14, 2004
Acting Out
Performative Videos by Bain and Hernandez
California College of the Arts