Sunday, October 17, 2004

Acting Up and Out

The Multiple Personae of Joe Gibbons

California College of the Arts

From San Francisco to Boston, Gibbons practices his brand of subversive cinema mischief. Working in a quasi-diaristic genre for more than thirty years, he leverages his own neuroses to mock and critique the norms of our consumer- and work-driven society. We screen his early Super-8 Spying, an “exercise in applied voyeurism,” shot in San Francisco, as well as the hilarious award-winning short version of his life’s “research” into himself and society, Confessions of a Sociopath, Part 1 in which he demonstrates his skills at perching on high ledges, stealing from the Bay Area’s best-known bookstores and museums, and entertaining probation officers and psychiatrists. We’ll conclude with some of his darkly humorous pixel-vision performances starring, alongside Gibbons, Barbie and a four-legged friend: Multiple Barbie, The Stepfather and Final Exit. (Irina Leimbacher)