From San Francisco to Boston, Gibbons practices his brand of subversive cinema mischief. Working in a quasi-diaristic genre for more than thirty years, he leverages his own neuroses to mock and critique the norms of our consumer- and work-driven society. We screen his early Super-8 Spying, an “exercise in applied voyeurism,” shot in San Francisco, as well as the hilarious award-winning short version of his life’s “research” into himself and society, Confessions of a Sociopath, Part 1 in which he demonstrates his skills at perching on high ledges, stealing from the Bay Area’s best-known bookstores and museums, and entertaining probation officers and psychiatrists. We’ll conclude with some of his darkly humorous pixel-vision performances starring, alongside Gibbons, Barbie and a four-legged friend: Multiple Barbie, The Stepfather and Final Exit. (Irina Leimbacher)
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Acting Up and Out
The Multiple Personae of Joe Gibbons
California College of the Arts