Program 2 of the series, The Primacy of Form: Kubelka and Kren, showed last November at the Pacific Film Archive as a preview of the series. Tonight instead we take the opportunity to present Peter Kubelka’s complete films, shown together for the first time in the United States in their original formats: Mosaik im Vertrauen (1955, 35mm), Adebar (1957, 35mm), Schwechater (1958, 35mm), Arnulf Rainer (1960, 35mm), Unsere Afrikareise (1966), and Pause! (1977). Totaling only 50 minutes, each is a marvel of precision, concentrated cinematic energy and formal audacity; the power of Kubelka’s films only becomes clearer as time moves on.
Tuesday, January 24, 1995
Austria 2
The Films of Peter Kubelka
Pacific Film Archive