These films harness the forces of nature by attending to rich details of landscape and encounter. John Price’s View of the Falls from the Canadian Side and Rose Lowder’s Roulement, rouerie, aubage discover a lyrical rhythm and form to the flow of rushing water. Chris Welsby’s Drift and David Rimmer’s Narrows Inlet trace markings along sea and shore through the veil of lifting fog. Charlotte Pryce’s miniaturist cinema reveals mythic illuminations of insect life in Concerning Flight while John Price’s gun/play captures oblique moments that transition between earth and sky. Robert Todd’s intimate camera in Qualities of Stone and Rebecca Meyer’s more distanced view in things we want to see both trace the passing of time through the etchings of place. (Chris Kennedy and Vanessa O’Neill)

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Close at Hand
SFAI Film Salon
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts