Nearly a decade after the debut of his incendiary anthology Apocalypse Culture, Adam Parfrey returns to the scene of the crime for another shattering exploration of millennial agony. Cult Rapture fixes its sight on the grotesque, extreme, and little-explored flashpoints of American culture, including the true story of David Koresh and the Branch Dividians, the burgeoning Patriot and Militia movements, the miltarization of domestic police, sex cults for the handicapped and Elvis, serpent worship, the increasing popularity of electroshock therapy as “normal” treatment, the cult of Sai Baba, and the strange but epic story surrounding the inexplicably popular 1950’s “Keane” paintings of big-eyed waifs. Parfrey will screen videotaped evidence of the strangest cults in America. (Joel Shepard)
Sunday, November 12, 1995
Cult Rapture!
An Evening with Adam Parfrey
San Francisco Art Institute