Thursday, April 11, 2002

Figures and Grounds

New Work from Canyon Cinema

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts

Cinematheque’s seasonal program showcasing work recently received by Canyon Cinema, local distributor of alternative and experimental cinema, kicks off this Winter season. Saul Levine’s Light Lick (Az Sent): Only Sunshine consists of rhythmically pulsing abstract frames. Michael Rosas-Walsh’s Lake Orion builds glistening black and white dreams from multiple exposed vacation footage. Shiho Kano’s Rocking Chair ominously describes the loneliness of an empty room. Mary Beth Reed’s multi-layered Moon Streams ventures deep into peeling layers of paint, emulsion, and fragmented imagery. The program is rounded out by the new-to-Canyon “re-release” of Michael Snow’s 1964 New York Eye and Ear Control, “starring” The Walking Woman and featuring a soundtrack by Albert Ayler. (Steve Polta)