Through multiple-exposure, juxtaposition, and fracture, the films in this program explore the capacity of the emulsion and the increment of the frame to both collapse linear continuity and construct meaning. The result is a kinetic compression of space that expresses a distinctly cinematic reality. The Melomaniac (1903) by Georges Meliés; Munich-Berlin Wandering (1927) by Oskar Fischinger; Rhythm 23 (1923) by Hans Richter; 2/60 48 Heads from the Szondi-Test (1960) & 31/75 Asyl (1975) by Krut Kren; My Name is Oona (1996) by Gunvor Nelson; Mindfall I & VII (1977-80) by Hollis Frampton
pictured: My Name Is Oona (1969) by Gunvor Nelson