London Sound & Vision is a touring screening series of recent adventurous low and no budget film and video which has been organized by John Thomson, chief programmer of the London Film-Makers Co-op. Thomson’s imaginative programming has helped revitalize one of Europe’s oldest distributor/exhibitiors of experimental cinema. The first part consists of films that confidently use visuals to create a dialogue about an individual’s subjectivity and their relationships with others or with the social body as a whole. Experimental film techniques are reinfused with a vigorous subjective voice that the experimental genre so often lacked. The second part of the program involves recent work of London video artists. Displaying a downbeat, ironic wit most of these works abandon the video wizzery of 1980’s video art for a sparse, almost amateurish appearance.
Thursday, May 30, 1996
London Sound & Vision
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts