Performance provocateur tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE returns to San Franciso for a program of psychic slippages, conceptual ponderings, neo-cosmic blatherings and a full battery of bad puns. tENT, who claims to have made over 188 movies in 24 years, most of them for little or no money, will present: Bob Cobbing/Movie Trivia/Hypnopedagogy (1991-94): Conceptual vandalism of a very monotonous early morning educational tv show; Diszey Spots (1993): Does Diszey really still direct his films from cryogenic preservation? and The “Official” John Lennon’s Erection As Blocking Our View Homage & Cheese Sandwich (1990-95): A messterpiece that seems to last an eternity… tENTATIVELY forms art matter out of naked chaos; or perhaps he forms much needed chaos out of the naked pretensions of art matter. (Scott Stark)
Sunday, October 18, 1998
Messterpiece Theater: Tilting the Luck-Plane
San Francisco Art Institute