Canyon Cinema has been distributing 35mm films ever since a print of The Residents’ Hello Skinny was accidentally deposited in the early ’80s. Since then, Canyon has accumulated dozens more, but the recent addition of Patrick Bokanowski’s rarely screened feature L’Ange (The Angel), made a 35mm program seem particularly opportune. In a rare U.S. screening, Peter Tscherkassky’s Cinemascope L’Arrivée will open the program, followed by Eli’s Moon, by S.F. filmmaker Michael Rosas-Walsh and New Yorker Donna Cameron’s unique paper-emulsion foray into 35mm, World Trade Alphabet. The shorts conclude with the Hello Skinny print that started it all. Bokanowski’s L’Ange, a surrealist/expressionist spectacle of trick photography, will finish off this evening of large-gauge revelry. (Mark Toscano)

Thursday, June 6, 2002
(Mostly) New 35mm Films from Canyon Cinema
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts