Sunday, February 12, 1995

New Films by Ross Lipman

and Films selected by Lipman

San Francisco Art Institute

The Cinematheque presents three premieres by Ross Lipman, a recent arrival to San Francisco. Lipman concerns himself “with the film material’s relationship to waking and non-waking perception. Completed in Budapest, London and San Francisco, Kino-i (1991), Rhythm 92 (1994) and Rhythm 93 (1994) pursue a dialogue with basic questions of cinematic practice. In particular: what is our experiential relation to certain filmic processes?” (R.L.) Also selected by Lipman: Dawn by Andras Szirtes, Water Motor by Babette Mangolte, Munich-Berlin Walking Trip by Oskar Fischinger, Lichtspiel by Lazslo Moholy-Nagy and Fragment by Ellen Gaine.