The Season Begins!: Once started, we retain our velocity along a straight line provided that we’re not acted upon by an external force.

Like a boulder rolling down a steep incline (a mountain, perhaps), San Francisco Cinematheque‘s season is entirely in motion. We are told that this speculative boulder will gather no moss as well. That remains to be seen.

In addition to the many spectacular programs presented by Cinematheque over the next twelve weeks, there will always be other events that we must encourage you to attend. We’re very fortunate that dozens and dozens of wonderful activities occur in our neighborhood. Here are a handful that deserve your attention:

Look Through the Window: The Films of Chris Kennedy
Pacific Film Archive
2575 Bancroft Way (Berkeley, CA)
Currently based in Toronto, filmmaker/curator/writer Chris Kennedy returns to our coast for this showcase of his exceptional work. Kennedy’s filmed-on-the-mountain-of-the-same-name Tamalpais recently screened at TIFF’s Wavelengths program to much-deserved acclaim. He will also be co-introducing our SFMOMA program, Measurement in the Impermanence, Thursday evening.

FRI 25 SEP to SUN 27 SEP
Oakland Underground Film Festival
Art Deco Movie Theater | Alameda Point Naval Base
2700 Saratoga St. (Alameda, CA)
[various times]
We hadn’t heard about the festival until this morning. One could argue that there are already too many film festivals in Northern California (we’ve certainly said it plenty of times before) but this one looks great! Featuring films and performances by some of our favourite ‘makers — Sam Green, Carrie Lozano, Alfonso Alvarez, Keith Arnold, Suki O’Kane and many more — and a tribute to the legendary Ray Dennis Steckler, an inventive (and disappointingly underrated) independent filmmaker who passed away earlier this year.

Expo for Independent Arts
Music Concourse | Golden Gate Park
between the de Young Museum and the California Academy of Sciences (San Francisco, CA)
Vanessa O’Neill and Jonathan Marlow, Cinematheque’s Program Director and Executive Director (respectively), will be attending/participating in the tenth anniversary of this event. Visit our table and tell us what you think of the new calendar. We’ll be talking about the February-to-April-2010 programming schedule, too (and you’ll have an opportunity to influence a few of those decisions if you’re particularly convincing).

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The Cinefamily at the Silent Movie Theatre
611 N. Fairfax Avenue (Los Angeles, CA)
Our dear Cinefamily friends have teamed with Los Angeles Filmforum and Part Time Punks for a repeat performance of José Antonio Sistiaga‘s hand-painted feature-length masterpiece with Savage Republic‘s compelling accompaniment (a live collage of some of their finest instrumental pieces). If you didn’t attend Cinematheque’s opening night screening at the Victoria Theatre, get yourself to the Silent Movie Theatre on Sunday. You won’t be disappointed! Many thanks to Ethan Port, Thom Fuhrmann, Alan Waddington and Kerry Dowling for an absolutely memorable performance (and many additional thanks to everyone that made the initial show a success — namely our exceptional volunteers, our co-sponsors [RE/Search in particular], projectionist Cat Lam, Cinematheque’s ever-supportive Board and every single person in attendance that exited the Victoria at the conclusion of the screening with a dazed-and-amazed look in their eyes).