Co-presented with Film Arts Foundation
In this special pre-election show, an anonymous home movie from New Jersey in 1938 reports on an American Nazi rally. From postwar Germany, an Army film written by Dr. Seuss warns troops against fraternizing with the enemy. Bruce Baillie’s San Francisco of 1963 is the site of A Hurrah for Soldiers. Saul Levine reports on Charlie Chaplin and the Boston police in The Big Stick /An Old Reel. Tom Palazzolo sends his dispatch, Love it / Leave it, about Americana from post-1968 Chicago. Jim Finn has Jimmy Carter narrate Reagan’s grim inaugural procession in Decision 80. Phil Patiris’ Iraq Campaign was media remix ahead of its time (or did history repeat itself all too soon?) and leads to a 1946 Britannica film on how to recognize Despotism, which brings us keenly into the present. (Konrad Steiner)