Sunday, November 20, 2005

Promiscuous Cinema

Program 8: Kirby and Fletcher Side by Side

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts

Lynn Marie Kirby and Harrell Fletcher’s collaborative Side by Side engages the live and the recorded, the literal and the abstract, the individual and the dyadic, as it explores the representational traces of an event, in this case a children’s karate class. Using different media (16mm cameraless exposure, digital video) and varying degrees and forms of mediation, Kirby and Fletcher recorded the class simultaneously, to produce images set next to and in dialogue with each other and with the original event. Kirby’s son James and his teacher Sensai Shanus participate in the piece not only on camera, but with a live performance-demonstration. Additional work by Kirby and Fletcher will be presented. (Irina Leimbacher)