Baldwin’s final program surveys his focus on the military/industrial destruction of the American Southwest through the twin lenses of speculative history and dystopian fantasy. 1992’s black-comic Conquistador chronicle °O No Coronado! weaves live-action into Baldwin’s characteristically dense montage to draw a parallel between a gold-crazy Coronado’s rabid rampages and more contemporary environmental exploitations. 2000’s Spectres of the Spectrum uses a post-apocalyptic sci-fi narrative to chart the development of monolithic corporate media in the latter half of the twentieth century, and the activities of its Kamikaze counterforce. Also featured: sketchy transmissions from Baldwin’s in-progress New Age exposè Mock-Up on Mu! (Steve Polta)

Sunday, June 22, 2003
Science In Action! A Craig Baldwin Retrospective
Program 3: Set In the Southwest (Then and Now)
San Francisco Art Institute