Gently Down the Stream (1981) by Su Friedrich
Thursday, June 18, 1987, 8:00 pm
A New Generation: Filmmaking in the ‘80s
By the 1980s a new generation of committed filmmakers was clearly emerging, many of whom had begun working during the past ten years. Some embraced cultural and political issues, maintaining formally challenging and highly individual approaches; others worked in a more private, intimate vein.
Recuerdos de Flores Muertas by Willie Varela, Morning Procession in Yangchow by Daniel Barnett, Gently Down The Stream by Su Friedrich, Displaced Person by Dan Eisenberg, AmbiValence by David Gerstein, From Romance to Ritual by Peggy Ahwesh, Oh China Oh by Leslie Thornton, A & B in Toronto by Joyce Wieland and Hollis Frampton, and Fearful Symmetry by Michael Wallin.