MAYHEM (1987) by Abigail Child
Saturday, June 13, 1987, 8:00 pm
Abigail Child/Erwin Piscator
Filmmaker Abigail Child in person
Abigail Child will premiere her new film, MAYHEM (1987), and show the final version of Perils (1986) and Covert Action (1984). “Perversely and equally inspired by de Sade’s Justine and Dziga Vertov’s sentences about the satirical detective advertisement, MAYHEM is my attempt to create a film in which Sound is the Character and to do so focusing on sexuality and the erotic. Not so much to undo the entrapment (we fear what we desire; we desire what we fear), but to frame fate, show up the rotation, upset the common, and incline our contradictions towards satisfaction, albeit conscious.” — A.C. Child has also selected an early Soviet sound film to show, Revolt of the Fishermen (1934) by Erwin Piscator.