Living Memory (1980) by Ann Rees-Mog

Thursday, January 28, 1982, 8:00 pm

Autobiographical films by: Frishman, Rees-Mogg, Curry, Hudina


800 Chestnut Street

San Francisco, CA, 94133

Living Memory (1980) 55 min. by Ann Rees-Mogg – “Somewhere between landscape film and memoir, Ann Rees-Mogg’s work is a catalogue of private preoccupations: memories of growing up in a rather grand Somerset country house; home movie footage of herself and her siblings at play; a wedding… a funeral. Above all, the focus is her family…” Chris Auty, Time Out 

Parents’ Visit (1974) 12 min. by Chuck Hudina – “The interaction between my parents, the equipment and myself when they come for a weekend visit.”

Only Time Will Tell (1981) by Gil Frishman – A variation on the above with the addition of home movie footage from the growing up years as well as parents’ honeymoon.

Knowing It By Heart (1981) 15 min. by Marilyn J. Curry – An emotional and musical tracing over of the place where the filmmaker grew up. Specifically structured memories of a working class neighborhood in Queens, NY.