Before We Knew Nothing (1987) by Diane Kitchen

Thursday, April 21, 1988, 8:00 pm

Before We Knew Nothing By Diane Kitchen

Diane Kitchen in person


800 Chestnut Street

San Francisco, CA, 94133

Before We Knew Nothing, 1987, 62 min., West Coast Premiere

“In filming Before We Knew Nothing, Diane Kitchen spent 7 months in the jungles of Peru sharing in the life of the Ashaninka Indians … The presence of the camera is neither hidden nor flaunted; its field of vision does not become hegemonic … On the one hand her images have a speculative fugitive feel to them, producing in the viewer alternating responses of insight or puzzlement or both at the same time. On the other hand, her images are scrupulously matter-of-fact, devoid of ‘poeticisms’ They make us see what is in front of us as if for the first time.” — Ackbar Abbas.