Marasmus (1982) by Betzy Bromberg
Thursday, September 22, 1983, 8:00 pm
Betzy Bromberg
Soothing the Bruise, 1980, 21 min.
Marasmus, 1982, 24 min.
Az Iz, 1983, 33 min., premiere
L.A. based filmmaker Betzy Bromberg will present and discuss a selection of her most recent work. Soothing… has been heralded by leading critics especially for its audacious sound-track, which serves to fortify the film’s exploration into sex roles, consumption, and destruction in America. Marasmus was made in collaboration with Laura Ewig, and has been called “a kind of avant-garde horror film — the Bride of Frankenstein cut loose in an industrial waste land” –Paul Arthur.
Bromberg will debut her most recent work Az Iz, which she describes as a descent into a desert underworld, a macabre tale of life and lifelessness.