Body Politic (god melts bad meat) (1988) by Betzy Bromberg
Saturday, May 14, 1988, 8:00 pm
Body Politic & Others By Betzy Bromberg
Filmmaker Betzy Bromberg in person
Tonight marks the return of Betzy Bromberg who will be premiering her major new work, Body Politic (god melts bad meat) (1988, 39 min.). Bromberg’s earlier films gained instant notoriety and respect for their forthright treatment of sensitive personal and social themes, realized through an aggressive and expressionistic use of sounds and images. Of the earlier Ciao Bella, J. Hoberman wrote: “This assemblage mixes verite of Lower East Side bikers, Times Square topless dancers, and Coney Island to achieve a highly charged atmosphere of manic exhibitionism and sexual raunch.” Body Politic travels through a realm of modern moral dilemma as it examines the relationship between high-technology medicine, religion, politics, and the American family. Bromberg will show these two plus the earlier Marasmus (1981)