Fuses (1964-67) by Carolee Schneemann
Saturday, April 21, 1984, 8:00 pm
Carolee Schneemann & James Herbert: Visions of the Erotic
Carolee Schneemann is best known for the pioneering body art performances that she has been doing since the early 1960s.
Fuses, 1964-67, 22 min.; “Integral and whole — imagery compounded in emotion. We are equally, interchangeable subject and object. As woman (image) and as image-maker I reclaim, establish and free my image and my will. Movements of myself and my partner, filmed by myself. The cat. Fugal structure: gesture, color sequences, collage, montage, superimposition, painting frame by frame, breaking the frame.” — C.S.
Plumb Line, 1968-72, 18 min.
James Herbert has been making films since 1964. He currently teaches art at the University of Georgia.
Silk, 1977, 25 min.; Two Figures, 1981, 15 min. “Although my feelings about the nude — its beauty and eroticism are always important to me, ultimately the form of the film must take priority over the subject matter.” — J.H.