Thursday, October 8, 1987, 8:00 pm

Ed Jones/Bruce Posner

Both filmmakers will be present


800 Chestnut Street

San Francisco, CA, 94133

Nine Years Behind the Wheel (1986) by Ed Jones — San Francisco filmmaker Ed Jones describes some of his adventures driving a nightime taxi. What at first seems casual — the raw material of journal-like entries on film — actually has a very deliberate structure from which a wonderfully fresh story-telling style emerges.

Poor White Trash 2 (1986) by Bruce Posner, two-screen projection — This free-form film diary was shot during the Bicentennial summer in Miami, but only edited into finished form this year. “A meditation on the act of looking and not caring. I’ve coined the term ‘photographic alienation’ to describe the contrary emotive situations that the film evokes. The viewer is offered a series of eight separate but connected images which do not follow conventional plot or storyline concerns. The images bounce off one another and the soundtrack to form a state of mind, if you will, that recreates the floating, carefree world I inhabited and in turn photographed throughout that summer.” (B.P.)