Short Film Series (1976-2014) by Guy Sherwin

Thursday, April 19, 1984, 8:00 pm

Guy Sherwin

The filmmaker will be present


800 Chestnut Street

San Francisco, CA, 94133

British filmmaker Guy Sherwin will be present with a program of his films. Sherwin has been making films since 1969. He was a workshop co-organiser at London Filmmakers Co-op and has been a lecturer in British art schools since 1971.

Messages, 1981-83, 46 min. “The film has developed during my daughter’s early childhood. It’s not about her, but it’s a response to her questions about the world that implicitly challenge things we take for granted.” — G.S.

Short Film Series, 1976-present, approx. 25 min. An open-ended film comprised of a varying series of 100 ft. silent B&W sections. “Some of the ideas woven through this reel include film as a record of life, an autobiographical document; the image surface as a controlled pattern of light and rhythm.” — Deke Dusinberre