Little Stabs at Happiness(1961) by Ken Jacobs
Sunday, November 23, 1986, 8:00 pm
Ken Jacobs — A Hidden View
Tonight’s program includes the first Bay Area screening of The Winter Footage along with other rarely seen Jacobs films not currently in distribution.
The Winter Footage (Warming Up to the Sky Socialist), 1964 (8mm) — 1984 (16mm blow-up). “After Baud’lairian Capers, my 16 camera stolen, | pursued the same things in Standard 8: forbidding history, the staring lesson of the Brooklyn Bridge, a block from home, wedding Flo, camera fun… We casually played our dress up, played about the edges of a story that was never stated. It was a home movie of my psychic life of the time.” — K.J.; Little Stabs at Happiness (1961) and Death of P’Town (1961), both featuring Jack Smith; Baud’lairian Capers (1963); and Lisa and Joey in Connecticut: “You’ve Come Back!” “You’re Still Here!” (1965).