Saturday, June 22, 1985, 8:00 pm

New Bay Area Super-8 Films


762 Valencia St.

San Francisco, CA 94110

A varied program of recently completed films made while the filmmakers were living in the Bay Area:

knowledge is as red as a raspberry by Chika Ogura, 5 min.: “In this film, I wanted to represent women’s temperature changes and the stream of time.”

A Wandering Story by Chika Ogura, 7 min.

Maxfilms by Scott Stark, 9 min.: “Three tightly structured documentaries that begin to come undone like knots.” (S.S.)

Notebook #6 by Willie Varela, 14 min.: “Part of an ongoing series utilizing material which didn’t find its way into finished films but which was still visually strong enough to be preserved and shaped into its own work.” (W.V.) Untitled, dual super-8 projection piece by Pat Song.

Oneira by Joel Katz, 18 min.: A dream-like vision of the urban landscape.

Fair Field by Alice Armstrong, 12 min.

Feminist Statement by Leslie Singer and Helen Hampton, 31½  min.