Chromesthetic Response (1987) by Scott Stark
Thursday, September 22, 1988, 8:00 pm
New Voices, New Films
Tonight the Cinematheque begins our twenty-seventh year with a selection of films by young filmmakers whose work will be included in programs during the next ten months. Strongly visual in character, the films range in content from Laurie Dunphy’s moving portrait of South Africa (Lived in Quotes) to Konrad Steiner’s concentrated landscape of visual punning (End Over End). Films: Turner by Mary Serra, End Over End by Konrad Steiner, Chromesthetic Response by Scott Stark, Lived in Quotes by Laurie Dunphy, Boytown by Jeff Preiss, I Can Never Be You/You Can Never Be Me by Cindy Greenhalgh, and The Poet’s Veil by Peter Herwitz.