Saturday, May 20, 1989, 8:00 pm
Open Screening Highlights 1988-89
In an effort to give public exposure to young and emerging film and video makers, the Cinematheque held four Open Screenings during the 1988-89 season. Tonight’s program presents works from those screenings which we feel are particularly interesting and creatively promising. Eight artists will present films, videotapes and performances: Jill Pierce’s Here We Go Again, Chana Pollack’s “Kitchen”, Jamal Killou’s Sweet Jane, Chris Brown’s More Weight, Violet Murakami’s Alchemy and Marko Barron’s Environmental Self-Portrait, as well as appearances by Paul Norris, alias Noradd Mikrowaev, with Nuclear Bondo Reptilian Solution, and Carol Leigh, aka Scarlot Harlot, with Safe Sex Slut. Programmed by Lissa Gibbs.