Saturday, May 20, 1989, 8:00 pm

Open Screening Highlights 1988-89


1151 Mission Street

San Francisco, CA, 94103

In an effort to give public exposure to young and emerging film and video makers, the Cinematheque held four Open Screenings during the 1988-89 season. Tonight’s program presents works from those screenings which we feel are particularly interesting and creatively promising. Eight artists will present films, videotapes and performances: Jill Pierce’s Here We Go Again, Chana Pollack’s “Kitchen”, Jamal Killou’s Sweet Jane, Chris Brown’s More Weight, Violet Murakami’s Alchemy and Marko Barron’s Environmental Self-Portrait, as well as appearances by Paul Norris, alias Noradd Mikrowaev, with Nuclear Bondo Reptilian Solution, and Carol Leigh, aka Scarlot Harlot, with Safe Sex Slut. Programmed by Lissa Gibbs.