23rd Psalm Branch (1967) by Stan Brakhage

Saturday, April 9, 1983, 8:00 pm

Personal 8mm Filmmaking

Stan Brakhage


762 Valencia St.

San Francisco, CA 94110

Personal 8mm Filmmaking: 

A 6-Part Series

The Cinematheque will present highlights of some of the finest personal experimental films ever produced in the 8mm and Super 8mm gauges. Although long considered a “‘home movie”’ medium, many artists have devoted themselves to mastering its properties, and a rich and varied body of work has emerged. This series will be an introduction to regular scheduling of work of this genre.

In its original version, this is a rare screening of one of the few epic avant-garde films of the last 20 years, and is one of Brakhage’s most highly regarded achievements. 23rd Psalm Branch is a 90-minute meditation on war using found-footage and a stunning range of optical and hand-colored techniques. This will be a one-time showing as it is one of the only remaining prints of the film.