Marquette Park II (1978) by Tom Palazzolo
Monday, March 18, 1985, 8:00 pm
Personal Documents from Canyon Cinema
Four recent portrait films by personal/independent filmmakers: Gypsy Wedding by Eric Metzgar and Penelope Willens — Depicts a now rare event in Romani-Gypsy culture in the U.S., the marriage of children at the onset of puberty; Seven Portraits by Edvard Lieber — Shot with informality and intimacy, the film reveals powerfully complex visions of its subjects: deKooning, Bernstein, Rauschenberg, Warhol, Cage, Ullmann, and Williams; Marquette Park II by Tom Palazzolo — Trains its central gaze on the official onlooker, the media, covering the event of a march by the Chicago-based Nazi party; Up The Block One Sunday by Dick Blau — Concerns a small Black pentecostal church in Milwaukee, focusing on the activities of its Evangelist and some central members of the church choir.