Holiday Magic (1985) by Heather McAdams
Sunday, February 28, 1988, 8:00 pm
Popping The Cultural Barrier
Makavejev’s INNOCENCE UNPROTECTED & 5 Films by Heather McAdams
Innocence Unprotected (1968) is a formally daring multi-layered quasi-documentary about the making of Serbia’s first sound film (of the same title) which was secretly produced during the Nazi occupation of 1942. Dusan Makavejev (WR — Mysteries of the Organism, Sweet Movie, etc.) audaciously mixes footage from the original film, newsreels, strange color processing, and restaged interviews to create an uproariously funny though bittersweet reflection on cinema, history and politics.
Holiday Magic, Pinball Laffs, and others: Heather McAdams is a part-time cartoonist, performance artist, junk salesperson, sculptor and ardent supporter of Woolworth’s lunchcounter. With precious footage dredged from her personal work, promotional films and the wastebins of television advertising, McAdams cuts, scratches and splices together films that explore the life and times of modern America.