Sunday, January 31, 1982, 8:00 pm
Richard Levine, Recent Films
New York filmmaker Richard Levine returns to San Francisco for his first one-man show in five years. Included on this program are three recent films plus one or two short performance works:
Cambodia Picture Horror (1981)
He Shadowed in a Glass That Which Her Body Was (1980)
In the Eye of the Child (1979) – “…Levine takes his father’s home movies and in a loving re-creation manages to liberate and totally free his childhood memories. He releases them from their Kodak imprisonment and sculpts a renewed home for them.” —Adam Zuker, Ideolects
“Richard Levine’s In the Eye of the Child is a breath of cinematic fresh air in an environment fairly polluted with academic auteurism. Home-made in the spirit of true negative capability by a lab-less film alchemist Levine’s movie has what pro critics might call dense imagery —a layering of 8mm, 16mm, and slide transparencies into a thick and juicy collage of frame bursting fullness.” —Bob Schneider, Ideolects