Sunday, December 12, 1982, 8:00 pm

Robert Friedman/Grahame Weinbren

Performance Works for Film and Trombone


800 Chestnut Street

San Francisco, CA, 94133

Robert Friedman/Grahame Weinbren: Performance Works for Film and Trombone (1979-82).

Music by James Fulkerson (trombone). 

Films: Cheap Imitations: Part II; Madwomen, Part III: Point Point (each part 25 min.), and others.

“One concern of these pieces is an attempt to reduce cinema – to bring it to the same level as other (art)  forms, and to work against its tendency to contain and subdue whatever it makes use of. Each section of Cheap Imitations is based on a particular source, ranging from Hawks’ Red River to a book by the 19th century psychologist and amateur photographer, Hugh Diamond. The questions raised are about art-making, madness, genius, obsession, femininity…. The repeated live trombone notes play a number of different functions simultaneously or successively underlying the image, denying it, peeling away its surface, accompanying it, acting independently, making a barrier between viewer and screen, or drawing viewer into action. “ – From notes by the filmmakers.