Liquidator (2010) by Karel Doing
Friday, March 14, 2025, 7:00 pm
Ruins & Resilience
Films by Karel Doing
Presented in association with Shapeshifters Cinema
Admission: $12 General
Event tickets here
Karel Doing is an experimental filmmaker and researcher who has worked across the globe with fellow artists and filmmakers, creating a body of work that is difficult to pinpoint with a simple catchphrase. In his book Ruins and Resilience (2024) he weaves autobiographical elements and critical reviews together with his wide ranging interdisciplinary approach, reflecting on his own practice by positioning key works within the context of a vibrant experimental film scene in Europe, North & South America and Asia. Doing demonstrates how experimental filmmakers have continued to renew their practice despite the almost total demise of analog motion picture film and the constant neglect of this art form by institutions and critics. Written in a fluent and accessible style, the book looks into the connections between the work of groundbreaking artists within the field and subjects such as transgression, improvisation, collectivity, materiality, phenomenology and perception. Specifically, intersections with music and sound are investigated, appealing to the idea of the cross-modal brain, the ability to perceive sounds and images in an integrated way. Instead of looking again at the “golden era” of experimental film, the book starts in the 1980s, showing how this art form has never ceased to surprise and inspire. The author’s hands-on engagement with the medium is formational for his more theoretical approach and writing, making the book a highly original contribution in the field that is informative and inspiring for academics and practitioners alike.
As a filmmaker, Doing’s practice investigates the relationship between culture and nature by means of analogue and organic process, experiment and co-creation. He has invented “phytography,” a technique that combines plants and photochemical emulsion. In celebration of the publication of Ruins and Resilence, Doing joins us from Oxford, England to share a program of his films made over the past three decades exploring the relationship between culture and nature through analog and organic processes, experiment and co-creation.
Whirlwind (1998) by Karel Doing; 16mm, color, 9 minutes. (Netherlands)
Energy Energy (1999) by Karel Doing; 16mm, b&w, 7 minutes. (Netherlands)
The Mulch Spider’s Dream (2018) by Karel Doing; 16mm, color, 14 minutes. (United Kingdom)
A Perfect Storm (2022) by Karel Doing; 16mm, color, 3 minutes. (United Kingdom)
Babbler, Fairy and Thrush (2022) by Karel Doing; 16mm, b&w 4 minutes. (United Kingdom)
Oxygen (2023) by Karel Doing; 16mm, color, 6 minutes. (United Kingdom)
Agapanthus (2024) by Karel Doing; 16mm, b&w, 6 minutes. (United Kingdom)
Liquidator (2010) by Karel Doing; (35mm) 2K, color, 8 minutes. (Netherlands)
Wilderness Series (2016) by Karel Doing; (35mm) 2K cinemascope, color, 14 minutes. (United Kingdom)
TRT: 71 minutes
RELATED WORKSHOP: Karel will also be leading a workshop—Phytography: Eco-friendly Filmmaking with Plants, on the alternative, plant-based film process he invented—at Shapeshifters Cinema on Sunday, March 16th. Full details and tickets here.

Whirlwind (1998) by Karel Doing
The origins of this film came from documents shot during the preparations and the executions of several collectives performances performed by the British group Loophole and the Dutch artist Karel Doing. Using frame by frame, long exposures and optical effects, these performances were manipulated and intensified. The essence of cinema, writing with light, is portrayed as a hallucination.
L’origine de ce film provient des documents filmés lors des préparations et de l’exécution de plusieurs performances collectives réalisées par le groupe britannique Loophole et l’artiste hollandais Karel Doing. Au moyen de l’image par image, de longs temps de pose et d’effets optiques, ces performances ont été manipulées et intensifiées. L’essence du cinéma, écriture de lumière, est incarnée comme une hallucination.

Energy Energy (1999) by Karel Doing
Found-footage film, compiled from industrial, instructional and promotional films from the first half of the twentieth century, presenting progressive thought and technological development. But did everything really go so well?
Un film de found footage issu de films industriels, éducatifs et publicitaires de la première moitié du 20e siècle exposant la progression du développement technologique et intellectuel. Mais tout s’est-il si bien passé?

The Mulch Spider's Dream (2018) by Karel Doing
Kindling the vision of a spider.
What is it like to be a spider? A creature that lives in the same environment as we do and yet has an experience far removed from ours. The film evokes a non-human world through shape, colour and rhythm. The seemingly abstract images are made by using the internal chemistry of plants interacting with photographic emulsion, a type of image that I have called a “phytogram”.
À quoi peut bien ressembler la vie d’une araignée ? Une créature vivant dans le même environnement que nous, mais dont l’expérience est radicalement différente de la nôtre. Le film essaie de rendre compte d’un monde non-humain à travers la forme, la couleur et le rythme. Les images simili-abstraites sont réalisées au moyen de substances actives végétales qui interagissent directement avec l’émulsion photographique, un type d’image que j’ai baptisé “phytogramme”.

A Perfect Storm (2022) by Karel Doing
Oxfordshire landscape imprinted on the film’s emulsion.
A Perfect Storm is a landscape film or, more precisely, a landscape imprinted on the film’s emulsion. The artist has used seeds, tiny composite flowers and other small elements of cultivated plants that grow in his garden and wild plant species gathered from a nearby nature reserve.
A Perfect Storm est un film-paysage, ou plus précisément, un paysage imprimé sur une émulsion argentique. L’artiste s’est servi de graines, de petites fleurs, et d’autres éléments végétaux de petite taille issus de plantes cultivées dans son jardin, ou d’espèces plus sauvages que l’on trouve dans une réserve naturelle non loin de chez lui.

Babbler, Fairy and Thrush (2022) by Karel Doing
An unfiltered stream of perception: small objects and grand panoramas appear simultaneously. The certainties of near and far, detail and overview, inside and outside are deliberately thrown into confusion. Aided by in-camera superimposition and travelling mattes, a near abstract experience is created. Sunlight filters through semi-transparent surfaces, while small holes and cracks allow the light to travel unrestrained.
Un flux de perception brute, où petits objets et grands panoramas se présentent simultanément. Toutes les certitudes quant au loin ou au près, au détail ou à l’ensemble, à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur, sont délibérément brisées. La confusion règne. Les surimpressions directes et les caches mobiles créent une expérience de quasi-abstraction. Des surfaces semi-opaques tamisent la lumière du soleil, qui voyage au contraire en toute liberté à travers de petits trous ou fissures.

Oxygen (2023) by Karel Doing
Blades of grass racing across the screen.
Des brins d’herbe traversent l’écran à toute allure.

Agapanthus (2024) by Karel Doing
A mosaic of organic forms that tumble on top of each other.
Une mosaïque de formes organiques qui s’empilent les unes sur les autres.

Liquidator (2010) by Karel Doing
A project making innovative use of existing archive images of Willy Mullens’ silent film Haarlem (1922). The original film shows the city in straightforward shots and camera movements. Due to deterioration these images changed in a dramatic way. In the adaption Karel Doing zooms in on these effects with the aid of digital techniques like optical flow and morphing. Michal Osowski collaborated on the project with sound that is directly linked to the image, he used the changes in density of the film to control complex filters and distortion effects.
Le projet consiste en un usage innovant des images d’archives existantes du film Haarlem, un muet de Willy Mullens (1922). Le film original montre la ville à partir de plans et de mouvements de caméra simples. La détérioration du film a transformé ces images de façon dramatique. L’adaptation de Karel Doing zoome sur ces effets au moyen de techniques digitales telles que le flux optique et le morphing. Michal Osowski a collaboré au projet avec une bande son directement liée à l’image, en utilisant les changements de densité du film pour contrôler des filtres complexes et des effets de distorsion.

Wilderness Series (2016) by Karel Doing
By using plants, mud and salt in conjunction with alternative photochemistry, images are ‘grown’ on motion picture film. What in first instance is perceived as abstract turns out to be a concrete precipitation from phenomena that surround us in everyday life. The ‘aliveness’ of the images is underlined by Andrea Szigetvári’s evocative sound-design.
En utilisant des plantes, de la boue, du sel avec de la photochimie alternative, des images poussent sur le film. Ce qui en première instance semble être abstrait se révèle être des bribes de phénomènes concrets qui nous entourent dans notre quotidien. La ‘vivacité’ de l’image est mise en valeur par la conception sonore d’Andrea Szigetvari.
Karel Doing is an independent artist, filmmaker, and researcher whose practice investigates the relationship between culture and nature by means of analogue and organic process, experiment, and co-creation. His work has been shown worldwide at festivals, in cinemas, on stage, and in galleries. He was a founder member of Studio één, a pioneering DiY film laboratory. He has invented “phytography,” a technique that combines plants and photochemical emulsion.
Ruins and Resilience: The Longevity of Experimental Film
by Karel Doing
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