Shards (1989) by Dana Plays
Thursday, June 22, 1989, 8:00 pm
The Cinematheque will again conclude the screening year with a selection of some of the strongest films premiered during the last 12 months, allowing them second viewing for added consideration.
LIMN IV by Konrad Steiner, the final part of a series about human gestures and rhythms, from the sexual to the pedestrian.
Shards by Dana Plays, which “parallels fragmentation and fragility through explorations that question ideas of wholeness and reconstruction in the film form.”
Crossroads by Caroline Avery
Sky Light by English landscape artist Chris Welsby, a “‘short’ creation myth which challenges the notion of its own form, and ends in beautiful and violent abstraction in which only nature and technology remain.”
Cooperation of Parts by Dan Eisenberg, “a journey through the landscapes of France, Germany and Poland; through the lagers of Dachau and Auschwitz; and also a journey through the language and possibilities of film.