My Mountain: Song 27 (1968) by Stan Brakhage
Sunday, September 25, 1988, 8:00 pm
Song 27: My Mountain and Rivers
By Stan Brakhage (1968/1988, ca. 65 min.)
With the release of these films Brakhage continues the 16mm ‘translations’ of his 8mm Song cycle. Made in the late 1960s when Brakhage was forced to work with a modest 8mm camera and editor, this series of thirty Songs achieved an intimacy and spontaneity rarely found in his earlier work. Song XXVII is among the most complex of the series: My Mountain reflects Brakhage’s uneasy relationship with the natural world, “A study of Arapahoe Peak in all the seasons of two years’ photography… much of it a frame at a time.” Rivers is a series of eight short films “intended to echo the themes of My Mountain.” Also: 8mm projections of Songs IV, XIII, and XIV