The All-Around Reduced Personality – Outtakes (1977) by Helke Sander
Thursday, December 9, 1982, 8:00 pm
The All-Around Reduced Personality – Outtakes
The All-Around Reduced Personality – Outtakes (1977), by Helke Sander, 98 min.
Sander was first known as one of the leading women’s liberation activists in Germany during the 1970s and edited Europe’s only feminist film quarterly. All-Around Reduced… was her first feature, an unexpected departure from her earlier documentary and more overtly propagandist films. In it, Sander “Depicts the experiences of women as the oppositions, and reductions. We follow the commitments and frustrations of Edda, a freelance photojournalist, who is also a single mother. She concludes that a cook has no time to run the affairs of the state. All-Around Reduced… Is a measured comical contribution to the question, why do women so rarely achieve anything? “ – From the press information by the producers.