Al Neil: A Portrait (1979) by David Rimmer
Tuesday, April 12, 1983, 8:00 pm
The Films of David Rimmer
David Rimmer will be present
Surfacing on the Thames (1970), 8 min.; Variations on a Cellophane Wrapper (1970), 8 min.; Canadian Pacific (1974), 11 min.; Al Neil: A Portrait (1979), 40 min.
“Since the late 1960s Rimmer has gained a reputation as one of Canada’s most original experimental filmmakers. Although his earlier work is generally thought of as minimal (or even mystical), he has recently completed two documentaries which explore the work of a jazz musician and a choreographer. Tonight’s program, his first in the Bay Area in over 10 years, includes Al Neil, a complex and impassioned profile of an eccentric, sometimes grotesque musician — a legendary figure in Western Canada; and selected earlier films.” J.C. Lipzin