Thursday, February 23, 1984, 8:00 pm
The Films of Joseph Cornell
Rose Hobart, 1937, 13 min.; Joanne, Union Sq., 1955, 7 min.; Cloches a Traverse Les Feuilles, 1957, 4 ½ min.; Children, 1957, 8 min.; Angel, 1957, 3 min.; Nymphlight, 1957, 7 min.; A Legend for Fountains, 1957-1970, 16 min.; Bookstalls, 11 min.; Vaudeville De-luxe, 12 min.
Joseph Cornell, who is best known for his shadow boxes and collages in which fables of the unconscious are played out by an odd assortment of fantastic characters and objects, was also a unique filmmaker. He directed other filmmakers to shoot the footage which he then completely transformed into his own romantic visions. This is the second of two shows highlighting his available work. All the selections on this show with the exception of Bookstalls and Vaudeville De-luxe were photographed by Rudy Burckhardt.