Dream Sphinx (1973) by Roger Jacoby
Thursday, February 21, 1985, 8:00 pm
The Films of Roger Jacoby
Filmmaker in person
Roger Jacoby is a pioneer in the movement to free filmmakers from the tyranny of film labs through the use of home processors. In his first S.F. show in four years he will present a range of films drawn from his entire body of work.
How to Be a Homosexual (1979-82): “Excerpts from a compilation journal work begun in 1979. It is an ironic title—there’s nothing sexually explicit about the film.” — R.J.
Pearl and Puppet (released 1982): “A stylized documentary of my sister, her two children, a puppet and Bizet’s overture Pearl Fishers.” — R.J.
Dream Sphinx (1973); L’Amico Fried (1974); Aged in Wood (1975): A series of films featuring Warhol superstar Ondine and Sally Dixon. “Dream Sphinx is one of my first films; it’s imbued with inspiration by the people who loved and supported me in my creative work.” — R.J.
“All of the above were hand-processed by me using either a small amateur device or a Kramer continuous processor in my bathroom in Pittsburgh. The simplicity of narrative and the extended uses of film emulsion and its colors are esthetic tools that combine in my work.” — R.J.