Champ Provençal (1979) by Rose Lowder
Thursday, October 28, 1982, 8:00 pm
The Films of Rose Lowder
Ms. Lowder will be present
Films: Retour D’Un Repère Compose (1981), Rue Des Teinturiers (1979), Champ Provençal (1979)
Rose Lowder is an English Filmmaker who has made all of her films in France. The films use landscape or urbanscape situations in and around Avignon.
“In looking at Lowder’s films, tiny image variations exploring all possibilities at an accelerated rhythm, one thinks of music. It is impossible to imagine music being added to the picture as the picture itself is music. That which could be no more than a cold stylistic composition fascinates by the poetry of the colors; that orange red and that pale yellow which rest on the water’s surface…” (Isabelle Brighi)