Thursday, December 5, 1985, 8:00 pm
The Sky on Location by Babette Mangolte
Filmmaker Babette Mangolte in person
The Sky On Location (1982), 78 min., color — “Is it possible to confront nature with a real purity of vision? The Sky… is a personal meditation on the landscape of the American West that tracks the ruling conception of nature in the 19th and 20th centuries from the pioneers through the instamatic tourists, at the same time that it obsessively follows the four seasons… The film successfully attempts, with quiet, passionate, almost single-minded firmness, to confront us as nakedly as possible with our cultural inability to see nature whole… “ — Ernest Larsen.
Babette Mangolte is the preeminent cinematographer of the independent cinema. In addition to shooting the major films of such filmmakers as Michael Snow, Yvonne Rainer, and Chantal Akerman, she has completed four feature films of her own. This will be her first appearance at the S.F. Cinematheque.