Unreachable Homeless (1978) by Klaus Wyborny
Thursday, May 15, 1986, 8:00 pm
Vincent Grenier/Klaus Wyborny
Filmmaker Vincent Grenier in person
Vincent Grenier’s visually complex films are well-known to Bay Area audiences, and tonight’s program offers an overview of some of his finest work. In World In Focus (1976) and While Revolved (1976) “the razor-edge of a short depth-of-field runs along the pulsing walls of the senses looking for the possible unlikely. Architecture (1981) is a diary of private corners where I live. Tremors (1984) utilizes the kinemacolor process used in the ‘20s to give the illusion of color in film. Its red and green frames dispute the contemporary flickerless color film, the reality and cumulative pressure of a bounded image.” (V.G.)
Unreachable Homeless (1978) by Klaus Wyborny, 33 min. — Wyborny is possibly the most daring and original of recent German experimental filmmakers. Unreachable… is a cryptic and somber landscape film, using brilliant color, deep space, and constantly changing focus to engage the viewer.